On-Line Learning Framework
Database Query Form
How would you like to have search results listed?
As Unknowns    Listed by Solution   
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Please enter your search criteria below:

Diagnosis contains:
Keywords contain:
Note: You can enhance your search by using 'and' and 'or' between fragments of text. You can use text fragments and parentheses. You can use 'not' to negate one fragment, or several if you enclose them in parentheses. You can also use the exclamation point '!' as shorthand for the word 'not'.
Example: ((carcin or cancer) and lung) and not (mediastinum or pleura)
Anatomy + Pathology Code is: .
Hint:  You can use a percent sign (%) as a wildcard for searching by codes.  Easiest way to get quizzed on unknowns by organ system is to enter first digit of the ACR anatomy code (the number to the left of the decimal point).
Anatomy: 0=Mammo; 1=Neuro; 2=Face/Neck; 3=Spine; 4=Musculoskel; 5=Heart; 6=Chest; 7=GI; 8=GU; 9=Angio.
Pathology: (right of decimal point) 1=Normal/Congen; 2=Inflamm/Infection; 3=Neoplasm; 4=Trauma; 5=Metabolic/Toxic; 6-9=Depends on organ sys
--- AND ----
Modalities used must be:
Use choices like: CT MR US FL UGI BE IVP STD ANG OTH
You can enhance your search by using 'and' and 'or' between your choices.

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